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Australian boy, 6 Hours Stuck on Vending Machine

Australian boy, 6 Hours Stuck on Vending Machine - A boy from a remote region in northern Australia, Arnhem Land, stuck in the vending machine automatic biscuit. Part of his hands stuck in a unique tool for the first time he saw.

"We live in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, and I thought he had never seen a vending machine before," said the father, Shorthouse, as quoted by the BBC on Monday (29/02/2016).

"He was interested when viewed Oreo, and some other biscuits," added Shorthouse told local media.

Leo, who was 4 years old, was on vacation with his family in Melbourne, when he saw a vending machine in the hotel lobby. According to reports, the child was trying to reach a packet of biscuits when his arm got stuck in the vending machine antitheft mechanism.

Australian boy, 6 Hours Stuck on Vending Machine

Australian boy, 6 Hours Stuck on Vending Machine

After rescuers arrived, Leo's attention was diverted by a smartphone, while emergency crews cutting machine to remove his arm.

Witnesses said they could hear cries from the street Leo. The boy was then taken to the Royal Children's Hospital in stable condition.

"The incident that really made an impression to him," said Shorthouse.

Arnhem Land is a remote area of northern Australia with a population of 16 thousand people. The region stretches 97 thousand square kilometers (37,000 square miles).

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